Venture Integrity Program

Tegumen’s Venture Integrity program is a holistic security and risk mitigation support module for US-based ventures. This proprietary advisory service is designed to provide independent, external guidance, enhanced accountability and resilience to start-up organizations, and increase investors’ confidence.

The offering extends to relevant risk domains such as information and physical security, compliance, threat management, due diligence and workplace culture. With a combination of embedded resources and independent oversight, the program affords startups and VC firms with risk intelligence analysis & mitigation competencies, solutions, and leadership support services which are often unavailable or ignored in early-stage or fast-growing ventures.

Under a Venture Integrity program, Tegumen advisors work seamlessly alongside start-up management and functional team leaders to ensure that risk considerations are fully incorporated into decision-making and company policies and practices. This cost-effective approach promotes risk credibility within the fast-paced setting of an emerging venture, and helps safeguard investments, enterprise value, and brand reputation.

building Risk savvy organizations

High risk tolerance is an inextricable characteristic of the startup and venture capital culture, but it is no rationale for ignoring conduct or vulnerabilities that clearly place investments, plans or reputation in jeopardy. It is not only possible but also quite affordable to insulate early-stage organizations from costly security missteps or emerging operational and organizational threats, and it is more effective to do so in a preventive and organic fashion.

Recent incidents involving some of the most successful VC-backed brands highlight the dire consequences of startup cultures where risk mitigation competency and practices beyond those in the finance and technology domains are often but an afterthought. Startups need not replicate massive, legacy-based physical security or compliance programs to match those of multinational organizations.

But conducting prudent planning - and putting early warning mechanisms in place that make crisis and reputation management part of the venture’s decision support strategies - is far preferable to post-incident troubleshooting or external intervention.

By adopting a cross-functional risk intelligence fusion model, and blending embedded resources with independent oversight, Tegumen's Venture Integrity program minimizes cost & culture barriers to adoption, fueling resilient and risk-savvy work cultures.


Relevant, practical experience

Tegumen leverages decades of know-how and experience in developing corporate security, intelligence, crisis management and brand protection efforts for Fortune 500 companies to apply practical, cost-effective solutions that both fit a ‘startup operating environment’ and add risk mitigation maturity, safeguards, and investor protection.